Creation Workshops.

The process


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• Agree with client team what is in scope – which products, routes to market, plants.

• Agree with client team priority focus areas – cost / growth / sustainability / reaction to
competitor or market activity etc.

• Agree on attendees and target audience – ability to influence and deliver change, or
equally ability to block potential change.

JRC Services 2


• Collation of samples and product data (volumes, spends, P&L etc.)

• Agreement on competitor packs for analysis (this may include a Best in Class (BIC)
analysis). Our teams will visit stores across different channels and assess how
product is merchandized, where it sits on the shelf, use of SRP/RRP’s, use of
promotions, sizes relative to category, number of SKU’s on shelf, sustainability
messaging on-pack, sell by dates and residual shelf life, materials choices etc. We
will also look for new, disruptive packs using similar packaging and / or in the target
category. Our BIC work typically involves procurement and tear down of samples
from markets in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific, to provide context for
change and to identify opportunities.

• Ideation – using the data and BIC tear-down we will pre-seed ideas, based on core
themes (agreed with the client). These will typically include renovation, re-design,
growth, sustainability, performance / quality and margin enhancement. Additional
areas of focus will be agreed with the client (factory performance, solutions to specific
business challenges etc.).

• Innovations – new materials, new developments from the packaging and supply chain
world, to act as stimulus.

• Supply Chain review – PackDevPro data analysis for in-scope SKU’s to evaluate
what would be needed to get a better supply chain performance (lower cost).

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JRC can act as workshop facilitators, or can provide specific ‘outside agency’ – acting
as external subject matter experts to challenge and engage with the client team. Often
our role combines both, where we deploy a team to drive the program.

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Once the workshop is complete, we work with the client team to collate and refine the
ideas, developing meaningful change programs that align with the clients ways of
working / budget allocation / change management process.

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Typically, a workshop will generate many ideas and opportunities, some can be collated
into single projects, others are stand alone. Following the workshop, JRC can deploy
resource to accelerate ‘proof of concept’. This is a short, focused deployment, that will
take a limited number of high value ideas and develop prototypes, actual costings and
samples for marketing. The proof of concept stage will involve initial qualification trials to
understand fit to line / complexity, plant and business acceptance of change etc. This
phase ensures that momentum is maintained, that high value ideas are kept alive by
proving they are viable and by indicating an actual ‘cost of doing’.